Mobile Marketing – One of the Newest Forms of Mass Marketing
Why is mobile marketing becoming so
important? Well, let me ask you a question. Do you have a mobile device within
arm’s reach that you can access the Internet with? Go ahead. Think about it.
I’ll wait… Of course, you do. Right now, within three feet of you, you probably
have your cell phone. And that cellphone probably is a Smartphone… And that
Smartphone has the ability to get online. You have a way of searching the web
for nearly any mobile device.
When someone does a local search on a
mobile device they usually make a purchase based on the information they find
within 24 hours vs. a week or longer from a search on a computer. For
restaurants, it is usually within 60 minutes…
With mobile marketing, there are a
couple of ways to market information. The first is by creating a mobile
website. If you look at a regular website on your iPhone or Android, a lot of
times they’re jumbled up. They may look like it does online, but the screen is
really small and you have to pinch and squeeze and move stuff around. And it’s
hard to navigate.
A mobile site really takes your
website, cuts it down to about four or five pages of the most relevant information. That way,
when someone goes to that website, they’re able to navigate it very quickly.
For instance, if it’s a restaurant, it would have a contact us button, a menu
button, a directions button, and maybe a specials button so that they can get
to just the information that they’re looking for. For example, for a restaurant
website should have a takeout menu, because most people, when they go on their
phone looking for food, it’s takeout.
Another way to utilize mobile marketing
is with SMS or text messages. With text marketing, you have to first capture
the subscriber’s phone number, and then you can then market to them over time
utilizing text messaging.
Why is mobile advertising so
important? Well here’s the thing: only about 36% of emails get opened compared
to over 92% of text messages or mobile messages get looked at within the first
minutes of being received. As a matter of fact, you’ve probably looked at your
phone while you’ve been reading this report. That’s the power of mobile
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