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Dimple Bestudio Launches LinkedIn Page

Dimple Bestudio is a popular marketing executive & consultant based in Mercer, Pennsylvania. She is proud to announce that, as an additional service to her many clients, she has now launched her LinkedIn page at . This will give people the opportunity to get to know her as a professional and connect with her in relation to her skills. She explains: “While having a business website is incredibly important, it often loses that human feel. My website does not tell you who I am, what my background is, and why I am so passionate about marketing. This is why I have decided to also launch my LinkedIn page, to better connect with my clients on a personal level.” The LinkedIn page provides a concise overview of Dimple Bestudio’s background, education, and experience. After attending the University of Mindanao where she obtained a degree in Mass Communication, Journalism, Dimple Bestudio started to take on various positions in commun...

Social Media Marketing for Small and Medium Businesses

GROW YOUR BUSINESS WITH SOCIAL MEDIA Social media marketing is successful when you are constantly posting updates and having real-time interactions with your customers. But really, who has enough time for that? To make things easier, we offer a tool that streamlines all of your social media marketing needs. Social Marketing helps you publish content, find real-time leads and interact with your online audience. Finally, you can build loyal followers (and revenue) without wasting valuable time. Generate new leads and customers Find leads based on social activity in your area and engage them with the click of a button! Discovery Marketing is the fastest way to find red-hot business opportunities through social media.  Build a loyal following and fan base Thinking up new things to say on social media can be difficult. Social Marketing helps local businesses create compelling social posts that people want to tune into.  Re...

Mobile Marketing – One of the Newest Forms of Mass Marketing

Mobile Marketing – One of the Newest Forms of Mass Marketing Why is mobile marketing becoming so important? Well, let me ask you a question. Do you have a mobile device within arm’s reach that you can access the Internet with? Go ahead. Think about it. I’ll wait… Of course, you do. Right now, within three feet of you, you probably have your cell phone. And that cellphone probably is a Smartphone… And that Smartphone has the ability to get online. You have a way of searching the web for nearly any mobile device. When someone does a local search on a mobile device they usually make a purchase based on the information they find within 24 hours vs. a week or longer from a search on a computer. For restaurants, it is usually within 60 minutes… That is what we call a purchase driven consumer ! With mobile marketing, there are a couple of ways to market information. The first is by creating a mobile website. If you look at a regular website on your iPhone or Android, ...


   BOXER DOG GUARDING In this Periscope video, two beautiful Boxer Dogs are guarding the surroundings against the comfort of the indoors. Even though Boxer Dogs are hardy dogs they were not bred to be outdoor dogs. Remember to get your dog a  warm winter jacket  for the cold months. If you want to improve your dog’s training be sure to read Critical Dog Training New’s article “ How To Improve Your Dog’s Obedience Retention “. HERE ARE A FEW OTHER VIDEO RECOMMENDATIONS FOR YOU:  (VIDEO) Boxer Dog Stealing Toys (VIDEO) Boxer Blasting Car Horn (VIDEO) Boxer Dog Racing BMX RELATED (VIDEO) Boxer Dog Begging For Pizza November 10, 2015 In "Fun" (VIDEO) Boxer Dog Walking With Cesar Millan Lead November 8, 2015 In "Training" (VIDEO) Uninterested Boxer Dog November 7, 2015 In "Fun"


GOLDEN RETRIEVER JAMMING TO GUITAR MUSIC In this video, we meet Golden Retriever Bailey who seems to be very much into guitar music. Did you know that dogs react strongly to music? If you need to leave your dog alone at home you can leave relaxing music playing in the background. He will go straight to sleep. If you want to teach your dog to come every time without failure, please be sure to read the Critical Dog Training News’ Article: “ How Do I Teach My Dog To Come? ” IF YOU ENJOYED THIS POST, THEN YOU WILL APPRECIATE THE FOLLOWING ONES AS WELL: Birthday Lime Music RELATED (VIDEO) Golden Retriever Retrieving Mail October 17, 2015 In "Training" (VIDEO) Golden Retrievers Playing in Pool October 15, 2015 In "Puppies" (VIDEO) Golden Retriever Running In Slow Motion October 21, 2015 In "Fun"

The 11 Essentials to Marketing Your Business Online

With the countless methods of promotion being enlisted in today’s market, it is vital to make sure that your company stays in step.  Marketing your business online takes planning, commitment and the decision to use the tools wisely.  Here are 11 Essentials to keep in mind as you begin: Essential 1 Before you begin your campaign, take time to carefully plan a strategy.  What is your goal? What do you plan to gain?  How much time can the company devote to research and analysis? One surefire plan is to start with the basics and grow from there. Essential 2 Make certain that your website and contact information on all web searches are kept current.  Check all links and backlinks to make sure that they are validated and functioning.  Remove any that aren’t working to ensure that you get constant traffic, unhindered by bugs. Essential 3 Treat your online plan and the maintenance as a legitimate department.  Have ‘department meetings’...